to my heart

dear heart,

you are the main reason i am alive

you are the reason love exists

i wouldn’t know what love is without you.

thank you for loving to your fullest, and for showing me how fiercely i can love.

you have made me fall in love with life

i’m so sorry i have let you break time and time again, but also not letting you get broken enough.

i’m sorry i’ve locked you away and ignored you when you were beating the loudest.

you need to be heard.

you are the very core of my existence so why wouldn’t i listen to the one thing keeping me going…you.

please forgive me, you make me who i am.

you are everything i hope and wish for.


alone in the dark

the covers won’t save me ANYMORE.

when i was younger i always thought the older i got the less afraid i’d be.

in this case, it’s opposite

the older i get the scarier the darkness becomes.

i can no longer hide under the covers and feel safe.

i lay there hopeless, in the dark, i feel cold, and utterly alone.

the darkness will never be my friend